MK is a student at South Burlington Highschool that I tutor every Monday and Friday. He is an English language learner and is a delightful student to work with. Here are some notes on MK's placement within the Wida standards, and his acquisition of the English language.
MK seems to be at the developing level of the Wida standards because often his subject placement and verb tenses are incorrect within his writing. He also seems to have trouble with object pronouns and their proper use. I wonder if this is because his native language has different verb and subject structures that make it difficult for him to translate meanings cross language.
Scale of Wida Standards, I believe MK is on the Developing or third level of Wida standards for English Language proficiency.
-Next Time
Ask MK about his native language(s) and look into the language's structure and style to hopefully build my knowledge of what language issues he may be facing and how to best address them in future tutor sessions.
Very interesting DAR framework. I appreciate your search for information and connections with WiDA.