Sunday, November 13, 2016

Back To Back Mini Lessons

There were a fair amount of materials and resources I used for my back to back mini lessons, so I will do my best to include all of them and my purpose for their use. First here is my lesson plan, my lessons were two twenty minute segments investigating the Great Depression. These first two lessons were an introduction to a larger unit about the Great Depression and understanding historical perspective. For both of these classes my main content resource was “Brother Can You Spare a Dime” by Milton Meltzer. The two lessons were shaped around preparing students to read the text and use the text to support their own faux narrative piece
To begin the unit in the first lesson, I started with a 3-2 pre-assessment, asking students to write three things they know/think they know and two questions they have about the Great Depression. I used this to help me understand the level of comfort and understanding students had with the historical period. Afterwards to hook students, I played a recording of Brother Can You Spare A Dime, which is a period song sharing the same namesake as our text and is based on the struggles of an average American man a year after the market crashed in 1929. Next in the lesson I created a nearpod presentation on a few key vocab terms, such as interest, stocks, shares ect. Through the course of the presentation I had all the students read the definitions aloud and then redefine them in their own words. At the end of the presentation students each took a fill in the blank quiz on nearpod to demonstrate their learning of the vocab words.
Between classes I had students read the first three chapters of our text, to check for reading I had students respond to a low stakes, one question reading quiz that asked students to list one of the six causes of the Great Depression outlined in the text. Afterwards we read a portion of the fourth chapter of the text and then culminated the lessons with a short performance assessment. Students responded to one of two prompts and used information from the text to create their own fictional narratives. At the end of the lesson after finishing the prompts, I handed out the unit final assessment to students.
Performance Criterion 3.1: Candidates design learning environments that support individual learning marked by active engagement.
If there was one thing I was really happy with after teaching my two lesson segments, was the level of engagement and participation. Granted, I was teaching my peers and not an actual 9th grade classroom, I still feel though that even though I may have rushed or included too much content in my unit I was able to create an engaging classroom experience. Between group reading strategies that allowed everyone to read and attempts at more creative forms of assessment and content presentation I feel as though the lessons I taught at some level required each student to actively participate in a meaningful manner. I feel as though within the field of history it is easy to slip into a focus solely on teaching and assessing content knowledge, that it can be difficult to reach levels of understanding and to create meaningful performance experiences. I feel as though I created an engaging environment by extending past an emphasis on content knowledge. I gave students opportunities to understand and relate more with the content and an opportunity to “do” the content per se, through a short narrative write.
From this experience with regards to this Performance Criteria, I believe my next step to creating learning environments that support individual learning is to avoid content overload. I think if I were to teach this unit in a classroom setting I would have had too much content for 9th graders. So in the future I believe that I should plan my lessons more loosely and consider that students may need more time to learn and understand concepts. For instance if students are having trouble with a vocab word in a lesson, have time set aside so I can provide a different way of instructing the content.
Performance Criterion 6.1: Candidates implement multiple methods of assessment to monitor learner progress to  inform instructional practice.

Through pre-assessment, formal and summative assessment I was able to reach this criteria in my mini lessons. My first assessment, the 3-2 prea-ssessment allowed me to actually reconsider the part of the focus of my unit. Through asking what students know and questions students had about the depression I was able to have a better understanding of what they already know and they want to learn in the content area. Later on I was able to use nearpod’s built in quiz feature to create a fill in the blank quiz to formatively assess vocab through selected response. Then the final assessment, a performance assessment journal prompt allowed for me to assess student understanding of historical perspective as well as providing a more creative form of assessment. I honestly felt the best part of my lesson was my assessment structures and uses throughout the lesson. With regards to creating assessments in general, I haven’t had much experience forming selected response questions, so in the future I plan to be sure to take some time to practice creating meaningful selected response questions.  


  1. Patrick, I enjoyed being a "student" in both of your mini-lessons. I liked the nearpod presentation as both a source for teaching and assessment. It was also a good way to use vocabulary which we are now working on in literacy class. I wonder that if you simply continue to use a variety of types of assessment as you did in these lessons that you will indeed create better and better assessments as time goers on.

  2. Patrick, I enjoyed your insightful reflections around content overload. I also felt that I had the same problem. I wonder if practicing ahead of time would help with content overload?

  3. I really appreciate your specific next steps for your lessons and teaching!
